EDIT (Jan 18th, 2023): Poll is now closed! 100% of the votes were in favor of ASAP, which DANG GUYS (I actually super appreciate it, oh my gosh). After today’s post, the hiatus will go into effect for 2-3 weeks, and normal updates will resume somewhere between Feb 1st and Feb 8th. However, like the last time, there will still be things posted on every Wednesday and Saturday. It’ll probably be a lot of concept artwork, since I’ll also be using this time as prep for the visual novel.
In the meanwhile, if you have any burning questions or requests for any of the cast members, you can ask them here! Keep in mind that the answers will be spoiler free, as the cast currently does not have knowledge of anything past November 23rd, 2018 at 4:00am.
Let’s rip the bandage off: there’s gonna be another small hiatus. Unlike the one back in August, this is only going to be 2-3 weeks at most. I need a little bit of time to build up the buffer again, and honestly I should have made the decision to do this before Chapter 21 started, but I…didn’t lol (there’s been new readers, IC is gaining traction, etc. THOUGHT I COULD JUST MUSCLE THROUGH IT, WAS BLINDED BY MY OWN AMBITIONS).
It sucks that I couldn’t get all of this done during the first hiatus, but that time was eaten up by revisions of previous posts and, well. One of my dogs got a scary health diagnosis that threw me into a tailspin. I don’t think I’ve ever posted a picture of him on here, but here he is:

So I’ve been weighing my options on this, because now IC’s getting a little more fleshed out (went into some detail about this in the New Year’s post), it’ll need extra attention. And that’s fine! I’d say that’s a good thing, because y’know, more content! Yay! But I won’t be able to actively work on it much in March or April, since NaNoRenO and Camp NaNo are back-to-back. Also, spring is when the industry that I work in starts really picking up. Meaning that I gotta get this done between now and the end of February.
And this is where you come in! I made a poll so that people can determine when they’d be cool with this short break. It’ll probably be like last time, where I still post stuff on Weds & Sat.
(EDIT: I am so sorry that the poll is in all caps and so AGGRESSIVE? I didn’t set it up like that, that’s apparently the default. WTF like why???)
I feel really bad that this even has to be done at all, but I promise that it’s for the best. After all, I don’t want to half-ass making a visual novel where the reader gets hired to apply Zevon’s monthly dose of flea/tick preventative!
Anyway, thank you so much!