Let’s get into Avi’s origin story! Avi was originally named Arin (a name that I liked so much that I repurposed it in IC), and was created somewhere between 2008-2009. I managed to find a single piece of art of him from around that time. He was an OC that I created for a Livejournal…
Category: Uncategorized
Intermission #7
Hello. So for today’s intermission, I combed through an old DeviantArt accounts for this content. Now, keep in mind the following: 1) These are all 20 years old at this point and 2) I’M BEING VERY VULNERABLE RIGHT NOW SO PLEASE BE NICE LMAO. The following are collages of the cast of what’s now Interpersonal…
Intermission #6
Desdemona, aka Desiree Robinson, is the host on Monument’s local access television station. She became “the voice” of Monster Mash Wrestling about a year prior to the events of Interpersonal Chemistry, after doing a spotlight episode on Monument Wrestling Academy and held an interview with Jodie and Victor. They invited her to a show, which…
Intermission #5
February 2018 “Here I come!” Mitch shouts from across the ring, voice echoing in the otherwise empty building. His body is coiled and about to spring forward. Nate prepares himself: body lax yet still on edge, knees bent, and arms in front of him. They’ve rehearsed this a handful of times already, but what’s one…
Intermission #4
A few drawings that I whipped up due to being so inspired! Fast facts: -Zevon and Yours Truly did briefly team up for the annual tag team tournament. It’ll be explained much later. Their entrance song was Tiffany’s “I Think We’re Alone Now”. -They incorporated references to Dirty Dancing as a goof. -DID THEY ACTUALLY…
Intermission #3
Nathan (Nate to his friends) is a hardworking 28 year old man that helps run his family’s bakery in downtown Monument. Opened in 1950 by his late great-grandfather, he works alongside his father and grandfather. His family is very tight-knit, and he currently lives with his parents. A prototypical boy-next-door, he has an equal love…
Progress Log #1
Thought I’d let everyone know how the intermission is coming along! This will probably turn into something like a weekly devlog. -Chapters 1-4 are completely revised/editing and doublechecked for errors, so they’re good to go! -Chapters 5-6 are revised/edited, but have not yet been doublechecked for errors. -“Grindhouse Professional Wrestling” has been changed to “Monster…
Intermission pt. 2
Page 2 of the zine/compendium. This is one of my favorite Zevon doodles.
Intermission pt. 1
This is the first page of a zine/compendium that I’m working on, intended for people that are new to wrestling. I’ve wanted to make something like this for a while because wrestling should be fun and approachable, but there’s a LOT to break down and it can be overwhelming to grasp at first; hopefully this…
Upcoming things!
Hello everyone! I wanted to give an update to what the next few weeks are going to look like. Chapter 16 will be finished on Saturday, August 20th, and then Interpersonal Chemistry will be going on a posting hiatus for several weeks (approximately 4-6 weeks). It’ll be coming back NO LATER than Saturday, October 1st,…