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Category: Uncategorized
Update on things
Hello! Reminder that there won’t be a regular update today, and Chapter 22.1 will be posted on Saturday, March 11th. In lieu of that, here’s what I’m working on that’s related to IC. As I mentioned in previous posts, March is NaNoRenO, which I’m participating in. Explanation on what that is, pulled from the official…
Chapter 21.9
The bakery that Avi picked was in the next town over, a darling little place both rustic and eclectic, the type of venue that Mitch played countless acoustic sets at. “I thought you might like it,” Avi mentioned with the duck of his head once they set foot inside. “It’s nice,” Mitch nodded, not lying…
Smoke Break #5
Last one! Not much to report at the moment, it’s been the usual “write, draw, write, draw” marathon. Updates will resume this Weds! Yay! I gotta say though, I’m so happy that I was able to completely restructure Chapter 21, and I don’t think I would have been able to had I not taken this…
Smoke Break #4
-All Valentine packages have been assembled, and are going out tomorrow morning! Thank you so much if you requested one, I hope you enjoy it <3 -For as much as I’ve griped about fighting Chapter 21, I’ve reshaped it into something that I’m really proud of and could not have accomplished without this time to…
Smoke Break #3
Alt title: “Oh my god of COURSE my laptop decided that it needed to restart as soon as I started typing this up” ANYWAY here’s what’s been happening around here: LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP FOR VALENTINES They’re getting mailed out next week! -MORE REVISIONS. Unfortunately, it’s all been for Chapter 21, despite writing almost…
Smoke Break #2
Here’s what I got so far: -Still doing revisions/editing! Making a good dent. -Scenes 1-4 of the visual novel have been fully plotted out. -Started sketching portraits of characters based vaguely on order of appearance (it’s more when they’re mentioned). I’ve wanted to do this for a good while. -Trying to work on Liner Notes’…
Smoke Break #1
Alright, so again, I cannot thank y’all enough for being super cool with me doing this. I wasn’t even fully cognizant of how overwhelmed I’d gotten over the last few weeks. Yikes. Spent Thursday taking a breather from editing IC chapters, which I desperately needed. Not having to worry about that allowed my to pick…
Upcoming things (poll included! DEMOCRACY!)
EDIT (Jan 18th, 2023): Poll is now closed! 100% of the votes were in favor of ASAP, which DANG GUYS (I actually super appreciate it, oh my gosh). After today’s post, the hiatus will go into effect for 2-3 weeks, and normal updates will resume somewhere between Feb 1st and Feb 8th. However, like the…
How’d you like to be my Valentine?
Hello! After wanting to do something like this for YEARS, it’s finally happening (holy shit, I planned ahead y’all). If you’re interested in getting a Valentine’s Day card in the mail (think one of those little cards that you’d exchange in elementary school) as well as some candy + goodies, I made a form that…